
Pool Chemicals

Discover Weekly Shock Oxidizer For a Clean and Safe Swimming Experience

Balancing pool water is essential if you are seeking a fun and safe swimming experience. Testing and balancing your pool chemicals ensure your water is safe and free of algae, cloudy water, or irritation so you can swim freely. From shock oxidizers to kill contaminants and maintain the cleanliness of your water, to algaecides for algae control or pH balancers that are vital in maintaining perfect water chemistry. A weekly shock oxidizer treatment will remove the organic matter brought by swimmers and the environment, restore water clarity and reduce the stress of pool sanitizer.

Our pool cleaning service is simple and near you, where you can find out if the best chemical levels of your pool including pH, chlorine levels, and alkalinity are at their correct level or not. Trust our pool chemicals and service, and keep your pool in new condition every time you take a clear swim.